Browsing All Posts published on »March, 2011«

Lumiquest saves the day!

March 25, 2011


I went out last Saturday night to photograph the band Sweet Teen Killing Machine at The Globe. It is a fair sized venue that is equal parts restaurant, bar, and lounge. The place has a great vibe, and I was looking forward to the show. When I got there I noticed an all too familiar […]

My weekend of music, mayhem, and murder

March 15, 2011


Just like the title says, I had a great weekend filled with music, mayhem, and murder. It started out with me shooing the In Repose concert down at the Tiger bar in northwest Portland on Saturday night. Great show! If you missed them you can catch them playing at the Ash St. Saloon on April […]

Flora continuous lighting system

March 8, 2011


The Flora continuous light system is the newest lighting kit from Linco Inc. It offers 2040 watts of 5500k daylight balanced power from a single unit, and can be easily used for both video and still capture. The Flora has a convenient compact size head that is made of flame retardant nylon. Its off set […]