Browsing All Posts published on »July, 2011«

Orbis out and about.

July 30, 2011


I had a fun shoot with Mary J. today, and we came up with something a bit different for me. I took an Orbis Ringflash out with us today and I ended up using it more as an off axis light than as an on axis one. To power the ringflash I used a LumoPro […]

Orbis Ringflash

July 30, 2011


I am so excited to put some miles on this Orbis Ringflash. Looking forward to seeing how this does out in the field. Should have a review posted in a couple of weeks!

Setting up the Shot – Micaela Couture

July 29, 2011


This shot is a simple one light portrait done in studio utilizing Nikon’s CLS system. For my key light I placed a Nikon SB-900 in a 28″ Westcott Apollosoftbox overhead and feathered it onto Micaela’s to bring out just enough of her from the shadows. I used a Nikon SU-800 for the commander onto of […]

Great shoot yesterday

July 25, 2011


I went out for some location shooting earlier today, and had a blast. I put some miles on the Rogue Honeycomb Grid, and Rogue FlashBenders along with my LumoPro LP160 Manual Flash. Some great tools that did not let me down! For this shot above I used my Rogue FlashBender on the LumoPro LP160 to […]

Cactus V5 Duo Review

July 18, 2011


I have to say that the Cactus V5 are some pretty sexy transceivers. I am a big fan of how they look and feel. The Cactus V5 transceivers work on the 2.4GHz radio frequency and have up to 16 selectable channels. They have a max sync speed of 1/1000s, depending on your camera’s max sync […]

July 13, 2011


My stickers have arrived! is awesome! I use them for my business cards as well and they do a fantastic job. If you need something printed give them a look.

Down Shifting Your Gear

July 11, 2011


In photography it is very easy to get wrapped up in the technological side of the business. As I have been doing more product reviews I have been finding myself guilty of turning into a gear-head. I have found a whole bunch a great equipment out there. I love to talk about it and I […]


July 10, 2011


The Vanished Twin family would like to offer our congratulations to our friends the Bobbies on the beginning of the rest of their lives together! We are so happy for the two of you.

Mixing it up – Oh aperture ring how I love you!

July 7, 2011


Every now and again it is a good idea to try something new, or in this case, something old. I shoot Nikon and when I first started using their gear I looked down at the aperture ring and thought who the hell would use this, and why do they still put them on? Whats funny […]

From the Vanished Twin Family.

July 2, 2011


There are going to be some new features on the Vanished Twin Blogs! We have a ton of product reviews coming up this summer, along with a few new features like: Tips and Tricks, Shooting Set Ups, guest bloggers, and a question and answer section. With the new question and answer feature you can send […]